The Wild Swans, A fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen - illustrations made for ‘Picture This’ competition. The story is about a sister who has to save her brothers from an enchantment. For me the most important part about this story is the connection between the sister and her brothers and that is what I focussed on in my illustrations

Dutch folklore; Spirits kidnap the farmers wife to dance with her on the moorlands.
The only thing she wants is to return to her child – illustration made for Folktaleweek

A Selkie longing to find her coat and return to the sea – illustration made for Folktaleweek

A letter travels around the world, everyone who reads it falls asleep –
illustration inspired by a story by Toon Tellegen and made for Folktaleweek

A bear wakes up, realising he wasn’t eating cake in the middle of the dark night, but his furniture – illustration inspired by a story by Toon Tellegen and made for Folktaleweek

I danced alone in my room, the clumsy child disapeared and everything seemed possible –
illustration made for The Childrens Spectators competition 2022

About the moment between being somewhere and going somewhere-
illustration inspired by a poem on a mirror